Laboratory 1

Introductory Questions


Melissa Coverini

Student ID


Where did you last study before coming to Dawson?

I studied at Westmount High School

What program are you currently enrolled in? What are your plans after completing you DEC?

I am currently enrolled in the Commerce program and I am planning on going to either Mcgill or Concordia in accounting or finance

What is your favourite subject?

My favourite subject is economics

What is your favourite past-time/hobby/sport?

My favourite pass time would be hanging out with family friends, reading, and playing soccer

Who do you most admire and Why?

I admire my mom the most because she is a single mother and is always there for me no matter what

Honestly, why did you select this course?

I took this course because it looked the most interesting out of the other options that I had

Describe two different learning activities that you find most effective.

One learning technique that I learn the best from is visual examples of exactly what needs to done. Also another good way for me to learn is through a thorough explanation of all aspects involved in the process.